如何在Visual Electric中创建一个可视化的电气系统?


如何在Visual Electric中创建一个可视化的电气系统?
Visual Electric: A Professional AI Image Creation Tool for Creative Personnel and Designers
Visual Electric is a professional AI image creation tool designed for creative personnel and designers. Founded by former employees from companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Dropbox, this tool helps users convert their ideas and visions into high-quality images. Unlike other AI image and painting tools, Visual Electric provides a more intuitive and user-friendly interface and offers more customizable features.
Key Features:
– Intelligent automatic keyword suggestions: Based on GPT-3.5 Turbo, Visual Electric provides keyword suggestions to help users describe their ideas.
– Multiple styles of image creation: Supporting photography, illustration, abstraction, fine art, crafts and other diverse styles, users can freely exercise their imagination.
– Different proportion of images generation: Supporting the generation of 9:16, 4:5, 1:1, 5:4, 16:9, 21:9 and other proportions of images to meet different platform requirements.
– High-quality inspiration community: The Inspo inspiration community on the platform has many artists sharing high-quality images, which can be used for reference or creation.
– Rich image adjustment tools: Included are color selection, picture redrawing, image variations, image zooming, background removal and other small tools.
Target User:
– Graphic designers: Creating brand identities, color matching, image elements and other graphic design resources.
– Conceptual artists: Exploring and realizing various creative concepts, obtaining inspiration and exploring different artistic styles and techniques.
– Product design personnel: Assisting in the initial conception of products, generating visual concepts to improve efficiency.
– Fine artists: Providing new inspiration and creative points for artists and can simulate different artistic styles.
– AI enthusiasts: Combining art creativity with technology to explore the various possibilities of AI-generated images.
Product Pricing:
– Free version: Daily generated images are shared with the community, and generated images can only be used for personal purposes.
– Standard version: $16 per month, unlimited image generation, shared works with the community, faster generation speed and commercial license.
– Professional version: $48 per month, unlimited image generation, personal only visible works, faster generation speed and commercial license.
– Is Visual Electric free? Visual Electric provides a free version, with daily image generation limited to 40.
– What model is Visual Electric based on? Visual Electric’s image generation capability is based on Stable Diffusion, and the keyword suggestions are based on GPT-3.5 Turbo.
– Which platforms does Visual Electric support? Currently, Visual Electric only provides a web version, and future plans to release desktop and mobile end clients.


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